motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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my first update

I have hardly updated my website since the end of 2008, so I'm slowly trying to catch up on a lot of old "recent work" that really isn't so recent anymore. I've finally posted the first of many of these. This is the open and graphics package for the TLC show "My First Home." The original standard definition package was one of my first projects as jonberrydesign. For the next season, the show was produced in HD, so the package had to be redone and some other pieces have been added and evolved since then. The handwriting and typewritten elements of the package are a reference to the sense of the show being a diary of a first time homebuyer, as well as a reference to the contracts and documents involved in buying a home. The producers wanted to lean slightly toward a gritty edge for the show, but knew they couldn't go very far in that direction, so that led to the black and gray palette with highlights of a warm orange. The show is currently in its fourth season on TLC, now airing in Saturday daytime, but you can view a montage of the graphics package here:

jonberrydesign: My First Home (HD)