motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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a challenge

I phonebanked to Indiana and Colorado last night. Ugh. Phonebanking isn't for me. I don't even like getting phone calls, it was no fun making them for a few hours. I hope it did some good. I have been surprised how much people I know are doing for this election, even in my family. My sister phonebanked in Baltimore. My other sister stood in a downpour with my niece to see Obama speak in Virginia. Dad has also done door to door canvassing in Virginia. Mom and Dad stood for a long time in the cold to see Obama speak in "fake Virginia" (notice Mom's snappy shirt). I was watching for them on the live webcast while working - I figure one of those red hats must be Mom. As you can see in the last pic, their view was a little better than mine. But - since phonebanking wasn't so good for me, I've decided to issue a challenge via the blog. Find 5 friends - and make sure they vote. That doesn't mean just tell them to vote, but get a response back from them that they promise to vote or already did. If you wanna do one better, get that commitment from 5 friends in swing or battleground states. Go even one better and get one or more of them to take the challenge for 5 of their friends. Drop me an email or comment here to let me know if you took me up on the challenge. I'd love to know there were some results. If nothing else, be sure to vote. One more day. Together we can bring our country back.