motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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pasta kitteh!

So, back in August during an episode of "The Morning Show with Mike and Juliet" (apparently its a real tv show - who knew?!) in the middle of an interview about binge drinking, a picture of a cat seated at a table in front of a plate of spaghetti flashed on the screen. No explanation, totally random. E!'s The Soup picked up on it, and Spaghetti Cat took off on a life of its own. Now comes the song. Maybe its just me, but not only can I not watch it without giggling, but I also can't get the song out of my head. The original clip from the show is in the second link below.

YouTube: Spaghetti Cat (I Weep for You) - the song

YouTube: The Soup exposes first appearance of Spaghetti Cat