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rogue shiba alert!

The sharp eyed and eared folks at urlesque caught a special celebrity dog at this years Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show! It turns out that the handsome Shiba Inu named Rogue (aka "Ch. Jogoso's Notorious Rogue") who was showing in the ring this year is the sire of Aki, Akoni, Amaya, Ando, Autumn, and Ayumi - the pups from the Shiba Inu Puppycam! He didn't have a great result this year, but last year he took home Best in Breed. Somehow I don't think that means nearly as much as his doggy daddy status does to those of us who watched those furballs grow up on webcam. Speaking of which, the puppycam is often still live where you can drop in on Ayumi as she continues to grow up - they turned 18 weeks old today, and links and updates are also found at

Urlesque: Which Famous Shiba Inu Did We Meet...?

The Shiba Inu Puppycam

Wikipedia: Shiba Inu Puppy Cam