motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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Last night I finally got my own taste of Kogi bbq tacos. If you don't live in LA, you may not have heard of them. Or then again, maybe you have - I got an email from my Dad in Virginia a couple weeks ago asking me if I had had them. Kogi (which means meat) is the invention of Mark Manguera, who one night came up with the idea of combining Korean barbecue with Mexican tacos and burritos traditionally served from roving taco trucks. He brought in chef Roy Choi to make it a reality. But what really made Kogi take off is their use of twitter, blogs, and social networking. By twittering the location of where the truck will be, they have created crowds and a following that will show up wherever they go. But in fairness, the food deserves its following - it's worth every bit of the hype. Would I wait hours in line for it? I dunno. Luckily I didn't have to. BDA, the Broadcast Designers Association, had a mixer 'catered' with the truck outside. What a great idea for an event. I sampled the korean short rib and chicken tacos. If you get only one, get the short rib. Kogi now serves permanently at a club in Culver City, but if you want to find the truck, you can follow their blog on their website or follow them on twitter at @kogibbq.