motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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Some shots from Universal City, essentially a giant suburban nightmare of a mall that's always best to avoid at any cost, but we were there last night for a show by Kathy Griffin. She may be about the only thing that could get me to go a giant mall in the Valley. But her concert was awesome - tons of new material as she ripped into everyone from Tiger to Whitney to Oprah to Miley, plus it cracked me up that she kept callin the theater "The Guitar Center". My love of Kathy Griffin is no secret to anyone who has read the blog a while. I still wish I could redo that crappy show open for her awesome reality show. I mean, doesn't it just seem right that the guy who did the open for Toddlers & Tiaras would do the open for her show too? She could pay me with a box o' wine and I'd even share it with her Mom. Tip it! For whatever reason, after the evening in Universal that started in West Hollywood, I needed to bring myself back to ground afterward - so we ended up at one of my favorite local dives, the Hermosa Beach Yacht Club, for a game of Big Buck Hunter. I have no idea what the connection is there, but there's one somewhere.