motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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I hate December. I was going to write a post apologizing for the lack of posts and explaining that I just can't come up with anything to write. I realized it's because I've been so overwhelmed lately by a project that just isn't going well and on top of that being completely behind on dealing with stuff for Christmas, which just adds to the overwhelmed feeling. But come to think of it, it seems like its this way every December. Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas and going home to see the family and events like the fireworks that happen every year, but it always seems like its such a busy month that it becomes day upon day of stress and always feeling more and more behind. I end up guiltily turning down Christmas parties and other events (who has time for that?!); neglecting things like the gym because of time, and then feeling run down and guilty because of it; and always just plain being overwhelmed by these vicious cycles that feed on each other. ack. I got yer Merry right here. In the last few days I've returned back to my Diet Pepsi addiction. I guess there are worse things I could turn to. And I certainly have friends dealing with much bigger problems than I have, so I have no room to bitch. I'm back in Virginia in a few days. At least the change of scenery should make for better blog reading. Bear with me.