motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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tuesday truckin'

There's no better way to be back in LA than to go after some food trucks. So I wasn't gonna let the rain yesterday keep me away from the Tuesday LAX Food Truck Lot. My friend Alan joined me for it, and considering the rain, the crowd was pretty good (though I'm sure it wasn't too great in general for the trucks.) This week I sampled the @FlyingPigTruck which blends Asian/Pacific Rim flavors with French techniques. I was hoping for their crab balls, but they were out (I guess business must not have been that bad), so I went for their sliders. They were different than I expected, and as is often the case with Twitters gourmet food trucks - that's a good thing.  They were beef and pork - not sure if they were mixed or one of each because they both tasted about the same, but they had a crispy edge to them that was actually pretty good. The daikon sprouts (I have no idea what those are) added a great contrast. I also went for the @DelsLA frozen watermelon lemonade, which was good, but I probably should have gone for the original. A pork quesadilla from @CalbiBBQ was also good, but left me thinking I should have chosen something different. If there's any challenge to the truck lots, its finding dishes small enough to sample more than one truck. Yeah, its a rough life.