motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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happy endings

If its Tuesday, its time for the LAX Food Truck Lot. My friends Alan and Laura both joined me for this weeks confab of tweeting gourmet food trucks, which allowed for a little more sampling and sharing. I noticed that @TheGreasyWiener had more than just hot dogs, and their sliders, called Iggys, seemed like a good way to start. Some appetizers from the @KabobnRoll Mediterranean truck made for some good sides to share - their mini meat pies and triple cheese rolls were both pretty tasty. Laura went for the beef kabob pita and Alan was pretty happy with his Banh Mi and spring rolls from @EatPhamish. As the court was winding down, we planned to dessert with some french toast sticks from @ButtermilkTruck - Laura and I had both had 'em before and it was too much to resist. But they ran out as we ordered, so Laura got a batch and Alan and I split their homemade cake doughnuts. I gotta tell ya, those doughnuts were the surprise of the day. I didn't expect anything different or special from doughnuts. I was wrong. They were more like beignets - small nuggets of dough dusted in powdered sugar and coated with a cinnamon vanilla glaze. Nom! That was definitely good enough to hold me for a week til next weeks lot run. Come on along!