motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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voice over

I'm gonna have to find something different to shoot at Galaxy games, otherwise the posts from gamedays are going to start looking the same every time. I woke up the day of the game with a cold and only half a voice, and all I could think was it was the worst day of all for that to happen. Sitting in section 121 as part of the Angel City Brigade means shouting, singing, chanting during the whole game. I expect to be hoarse the next day, but not beforehand! It didn't matter, nothing was going to keep me from the game, so I powered through (the beers from the tailgate helped too, of course). My pal Andrew came along this time, and he was amused by my sad excuse of a voice by the second half. I'm just glad I only have to wait one week for the next game; sure hope this cold doesn't hang on that long.