motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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the kindness of strangers

Thursday night I had the pleasure of meeting an Irish guy who lives here and, like my friend on Wednesday night, he also took me around to show me some more of the sights down in city center, as well as to one of his favorite bars in town. It's nice how willing people are to show you around here - it could just be pity when they find out where the media village is ("Oh my God, they put you guys in a prison!"). I have to say that one of the best parts of the night was the Weihenstephan beer that I found on tap at the bar - much like the Hefeweizen I love in California, but much spicier and richer. yum. When I got home, three of my cohorts who will be on my shift were on their way out for a drink and asked if I wanted to come along. So I joined them for yet a couple more beers at a cafe around the corner from the media village. wheee. Getting up Friday morning was difficult!

I was too wiped to venture out after work on Friday, so later tonight I'll give it a shot on my own - lets see if I can figure out this trolley system and get where I intend to. This will be my only weekend night that I won't be working the late shift, so it seems imperative to take advantage of it! Tomorrow we start sliding our shift hours, so my shift starts at 2pm. I get to sleep in!

Oh - and the NBC Commissary opened in the IBC today. woohoo! more on that in the future...