motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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With my fondness for junk tv like Laguna Beach and Project Runway, I'm reluctant to post a recommendation for a television show. Since this is one that doesn't have the publicity of other deserving shows like "24", I'm doing it anyway. My friend Todd turned me on to the new "Battlestar Galactica" when he was visiting in January, and it has just begun its third season. I grew up watching the original, but this one really has next to nothing in common with the old one. Its a wonderful example of how to recreate a series for today instead of just 'remake' an update of the old one. I'm not really a Trekkie, but I do love "serial" type television. The story is thick and complicated, so give it a couple episodes. They include a pretty detailed "previously on" at the beginning of each episode so you'll find it easier to pick up the storyline than you might expect. Originals debut on Fridays on the Sci Fi network, but I would imagine it repeats other times as well. Maybe I just love that they use a quiet almost operatic vocal for the open instead of the big horns/orchestra type score you would expect. Who knows. Tivo it. Enjoy it while it lasts.