motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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Oops. I got so wrapped up in my work today that I forgot to post to the blog. I've made great progress on the reel this weekend. The funny thing is, I woke up this morning, shuffled into the living room and sat down at the computer... and have been working ever since. Yet every now and then, when I get up and get something to drink or whatever, I catch myself feeling guilty as though 'I haven't done anything today'. I have to actually remind myself that no - I have been working all day. I'm still not conditioned to working at home completely, so the fact that I never left the house or changed clothes all day makes me feel like I haven't done anything.

I also did go ahead and commit to joining my family over the July 4th week in the Outer Banks of NC. My sisters and their families, Mom and Dad, and the dogs all get a beach house every year, but I've only joined them once for it. Since I know they check the blog, I might as well let them know here. The ticket has been purchased, so its official. I actually really had to struggle with this one because I'm hitting that border of feeling irresponsible by taking so much 'me' time. I had to rationalize it that I'd regret it if or when I end up in a job where I have to budget my vacation days again.

Its funny how much we condition ourselves to things internally; and when we change our situations, its interesting how odd of a feeling it creates - not because of anyone else, just completely in our own head.