motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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mick knows wild

I wrote a few days ago about the shadow sculptures thoughout Hollywood. My friend (and western afficianado) Mick emailed to let me know that the scene in my pics was from Sam Peckinpaugh's "The Wild Bunch" from 1969. Somehow I feel like I should have known that, but I didn't.

When I challenged him to find info about who did the sculptures (because all of my googling hadn't brought me an answer), it wasn't long before I had the answer in my mailbox. The installations are part of an environmental design project called the "Hollywood Shadow Project" by Cameron McNall, completed in October 2001. It appears there were originally seven installations, four of which remain. The designs are meant to capture iconic moments or images of movies, and they cast shadow on buildings that are still part of the film production process. It should be noted that McNall's installations, as curator Karin Higa wrote "mimic—albeit in the most primitive form—the basic elements of film: light projection, motion and temporality."

McNall now has a company called "Electroland," which seems to be involved in creating some pretty cool environmental design. Check out their site below and see for yourself.

Thanks, Mick. Now we all know.

  • Electroland's website

  • Society of Environmental Graphic Designers award writeup