motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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extra: see spots

After more than a year of "coming soon", my website is finally up and alive! Major thanks - I mean HUGE MEGA thanks - to Mike Der, who took my designs and turned them into a usable webspace and helped guide me with what would and wouldn't work very well. Mike's company, Gravity Strategies, usually does larger corporate web work, so if your company is looking for help in that area, give Mike a call.

The site is designed to be updated periodically as new work hits the air and is okay to make public. And of course, this blog started originally to be a part of the site that would update often, never knowing it would turn into an (almost) daily space - but now it is. So, if you're curious what I do for a livin, or if youre in the television business, give it a look over! (and thanks to my friend Ken Devlin for this pic)
