motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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i love la

I ran across a bit today on about Charles Phoenix's "Disneyland Tour of Downtown Los Angeles." It sounds awesome! "Histo-tainer" Charles Phoenix has created a historical tour of Downtown Los Angeles with a kitschy tongue-in-cheek bent that draws parallels to Disneyland, starting at Union Station (Main St USA station) and ending at Disney Hall (the Castle). And even more importantly, it starts at Noon! woohoo! None of that 9am tour crap. (I hate that!) I've actually been to most of the places it seems to go, but I'm sure there's so much more to learn and see about them, not to mention the experience itself. I definitely wanna go. The only currently scheduled tour date is May 27, and unfortunately, I won't be here to take it.

But even better than finding out about the tour itself is a YouTube movie about the tour that Franklin Avenue pointed to. It's really, really well done. Great images and sound that really capture moments, experiences, and the reality of the places. It's 15 minutes long, but based on the info at, the website of the films creators, it looks to have been cut down from a 25 minute film. If you have the time to spare, take a look. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

  • YouTube: Charles Phoenix's Disneyland Tour of Los Angeles

  • "Disneyland" Tour of LA info