motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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wingin it

Every year since 2000, I've tried to go to the World Series (with the exception of the NY Subway Series - both fan bases in one place would just make it too impossible to get a ticket). World Series travel is a bit of adventure because you don't know the teams - and thus the places - until just a few days before. So all your planning is pretty last minute and haphazard. So... here I am in Denver. What started out on a bad note ended up going well. I misread my reservation and barely made my flight, the agent said he doubted my bag would make it, and only while on the plane did I realize I should have taken my coat out of my bag just in case. I feared it was one of those signs that everything was going to go wrong this weekend. But when I got to Denver, there was my bag. At the rental car place, I walked out to the midsize row and there was only one car with no keys. The guy at the booth asked if I minded taking an SUV instead for the same price. No problem! Passing by Coors Field, the Clydesdales happened to be sitting outside as though they had just gotten there to set up. And the hotel I booked turned out to be brand new and ridiculously nice. I met up with my friend Heith's friend Eryk for a beer and some breakfast at an all night diner. All in all, a good night. Let hope the luck holds out for getting a ticket to tonights game...