motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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no plan

Just some assorted random shots from the last few days in Berlin... As expected, its been a whirlwind (what? another street party?!) and I've worn myself out. I've gotten to see more friends than I expected, but also missed a lot that I know were in town or saw too many for too short of a time (often my own fault, admittedly.) Of course, I made a couple new ones, too. I tacked an extra day onto my planned time in Berlin almost as a day to recover from the weekend, which meant a change of apartments. The bonus to that ended up being killing time sitting at a cafe on a corner for a while soaking up the nice warm afternoon and watching the parade of people pass by. Later I met up with my friends Frank and Norbert, and took a bit of an unexpected detour for a fun pseudo balloon ride with them, so maybe I'll have some pics from that tomorrow. All in all the low/no expectations plan for Berlin worked out pretty well for a weekend that has often been a frustrating one for me.