nommin mo

After spending most the day doing work in the hotel room, Myron and I ventured out to a restaurant recommended by my cousin Mark via Twitter called the Iron Barley. He was right in calling it was a place both my Dad and I would love. An amazing selection of Bavarian beer (and many others too), an even more amazing selection of foods that we had a hard time deciding between - from panella to paella to zarzuela as well as sammiches! (anyplace that calls em sammiches gets points in my book). Plus, live folk/bluegrass/acoustic music. Definitely one of my favorite places I've been to in a long time. Afterward, we decided to try to catch the tail of the free Sheryl Crow concert downtown, but seeing the fireworks from the car, we decided it must be over and wandered on for a barhop across town. But now, if you'll excuse me, we have a ballgame to get to...