motion graphic design by jonberrydesign

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an offer

The #promaxbda conference, a conference surrounding people who do what I do - mainly those who design for television, as well as the areas of writing and producing promos for television, is wrapping up today in Downtown LA. So I've decided to make an offer to anyone in town for it - since you could be only seeing one of many sides of LA if staying downtown (especially in the suburban-mall-themed area known as LA Live): come to the beach! The weather this week has been absolutely perfect for it, and if you'd like to stop by anytime this week or next, I'll buy you a beer. Simple as that. Drop me an email, and we'll make it happen. And if not, watch my tweets for tips to enjoy the local side of Downtown LA as well. LA is such a sprawling mass that its easy to have a bad time or only see the shiny surface, if I can help you to see some of the local flavor as well, all the better. Hope you've enjoyed the conference!