
Another day at OB's in El Porto for the USA World Cup game yesterday. Given the magnitude of the game and it being on a weekend, we expected a big crowd. That in addition to the fact that it was an official LA Galaxy viewing party. I had only realized the day before that my head made the perfect canvas for painting, so I had to get up early enough to attempt that. Not bad for a first try. My friend Michele and I got there early enough to get the last available booth and gradually the place filled up until it was packed by 11am and bloody marys switched over to beer. My friends Heith and Walter joined us, and we inevitably made friends with a few others nearby. Of course, the game didn't exactly go our way, but it was a fun and exciting time, especially when the USA scored (video below). Its kind of a new experience for me to hear "USA" chanted in a way that isn't the typical ignorant ugly-Sarah-Palin-hate-the-world kind of way. Its a nice change. Undoubtedly Michele and I will be at OB's for many more World Cup games, so if you ever wanna catch one, come join in.

video of the USA goal reaction at OB's Manhattan Beach