
Still playing catchup and recapping last weekend now: I was in Palm Springs for the rodeo weekend. As I mentioned before, for whatever reason, going into it, I wasn't too excited about the weekend trip. I will admit to not being the biggest fan of Palm Springs, though a big part of that is probably because of the drive out there, plus the weather often can be a bear if you're not by a pool. But weather-wise, I think it was the nicest its ever been when I was there, with temps just in the high 70's to 80's; not the scorching desert heat I have often found when there. The snow still on the peaks in the distance made the views especially nice, too. As often happens with rodeo weekends, you never know who is going to show up, and you often find a lot more friends there than you expected, and naturally, usually make a few more too. It turned out to be a great group of folks this weekend that made for plenty of fun (and if you're wondering, that pic of our pal "Bunny" in the storm drain was just an impromptu moment he had on the way into a restaurant - no one was harmed.) The weekend kick-started with a pool party on Friday and never really stopped until late Sunday night, with a lot more fun than expected. I guess low expectations can be a good thing. Good to get home in order to rest up from the weekend break!