net goal

So you may have noticed I have a new website. Welcome. Its been quite a journey to make it finally happen. I built it using the Squarespace platform, but as a non-web designer, it was still quite a bit of work, and I learned more about all kinds of technical things I never knew about than I probably care to. You know, stuff like optimizing freshness lifetimes for cacheable resources in their metadata hosted by multiple sources. Yeah, fun. And then, once I finally had it ready and teased it being about to launch, it wouldn't. It took three weeks of arguing with Yahoo Small Business to get the site pointed to the right spot. Those were a lot of fun support calls to far off distant lands where they told you what was happening couldn't be. Finally after a public twitter war, it got fixed. We'll just call that the beta phase. Sorry to any of you who endured that. But at last, its alive. When you come to the site, it takes you straight to the work and what most viewers are probably looking for. And no more popups to view movies. The biggest change is that after 7 years, the blog is finally part of the same site and not just attached. There are also functional bonuses like all the content being searchable (both work and blog), as well as the blog archive and projects index. And little bonuses like social links and personal trivia. Hopefully quick and easy to get you what you want, but a little depth if you're really that curious or interested. So take a look around, kick the tires. If you run into any errors, let me know. (By the way, the 404 error page is one of my favorite details.) The blog still has a bit of work to go. I have to rebuild every post by hand - that's more than 1600 posts. All the info and pics are there, just formatted a little wonky on the older posts. Bear with me on that front. Thanks to everyone that helped along the way, especially to Trent Farr for the copywriting, Kelly Sims for figuring out a web code problem that no one else could, and all the random strangers on all sorts of web discussion boards who helped out with advice on all sorts of other issues.  I hope you like the new home.