not today

oh hey - is this a blog post? Yeah, I’ve been wanting to restart a while now, especially as social media fractures. So here goes nothing. At best, expect occasional notes, not the daily diary that once was. No promises, including to myself, but we’ll see how it goes.
The last few months (and year!) have been pretty busy, so when my friends Elsa and Jeremy asked if I wanted them for a free Disneyland day last week for Jeremy’s birthday, I had to say yes.
The truth is, I immediately went to my default mode of “no, I’m just too busy” but I’ve been trying for a while to make myself better at saying yes recently. I asked if I could let them know the next day, knowing that if I thought longer about it, I might change my mind. And despite a huge project that was going to launch two days before, (post on that one coming soon!) and being in the middle of a busy weekend festival season with my side job, the world wouldn’t stop if I took the day off. Besides, who says no to a free ticket to Disneyland?!
So I left “today” for a day. Enjoy a few slivers from the day.