meow mix

Yeah, everyone has seen the two talking cats YouTube video thats been going around. After seeing it on so many of the most popular video lists I figured I'd finally click on it. Cute. But then I found the translation. Not just funny, but really well done. (Who needs Hollywood writers?) And even better is the second translation video I found. Yup, made me laugh - out loud. Hopefully it will for you, too. (Be warned, the third video is not work-safe language.) But beyond the chuckle, what I also love is how this is a perfect example of the interactive world we live in and how one good thing can create a chain in an unplanned non-commercial way. Marketers are constantly coming up with ways to tap into the viral video thing - and smartly so. But so often their atempts lead to disastrous results (like the make-your-own Chevy SUV commercial that spawned a flood of commercials about their gas mileage and their contribution to climate change and oil dependence; or the Dove soap campaign about the negative beauty images children are exposed to that led to mashups featuring those negative messages from the very same company - which happens to make Axe). The real unintended viral videos always the best ones. I love that. (Until next week when we find out this was planted by a cat food company).

Here are the three videos - watch em in order:
  • YouTube: Two Talking Cats

  • YouTube: Cat Talking: Translation

  • YouTube: Cats Yelling at Each Other
  • Jon BerryComment