eye candy

I stumbled on this on Design Observer the other day: a piece by Charles Osgood from 2001 on the creation of its legendary "eye" logo. Arguably one of the best and strongest logos in the country, the eye was designed by William Golden in 1951. That it was originally inspired by Pennsylvania Dutch hex paintings is something I never knew. Also linked below are a series of typographic ID's for CBS from 1997 by Pittard Sullivan. Pittard Sullivan's work for the CBS 'Welcome Home' and 'The Address is CBS' campaigns of 1997 and 1998 is some of the finest ever done for CBS. I think it is by far the best CBS has looked in the modern era. These IDs from more than 10 years ago still stand up today. That's impressive, but also a tribute to the strength of Golden's dictate of using the CBS eye with its intended typeface of Didot Bodoni, which was elegantly followed in these IDs.
  • YouTube: The Creation of the CBS eye logo
  • YouTube: CBS Welcome Home IDs from 1997
  • Jon BerryComment