I've moved on to Melbourne now for the next chapter of my down under tour, but the day before I left Sydney, I trekked out to...
Read MoreI hardly know where to begin to describe my Mardi Gras in Sydney. First off, I should explain that over 40 years, Mardi Gras here has grown and changed from...
Read MoreJust some quick views of my walkabout yesterday from my place in Potts Point and through the Harbor (with a stop for...
Read MoreAfter a month of seriously cold winter in PyeongChang, I hopped on a plane for some Summer days in Australia. I'm in Sydney and the three days I've been here already are...
Read MoreWe ended up with some extra free time on our last night in South Korea. I hadn't had a chance to make it into the "coastal cluster" in Gangneung where...
Read MoreAs we enter the last week of Olympics, I figure I better get around to posting some of the work I've been up to here. The question I get most often from friends and family...
Read MoreToday was a fun day. I've gone more than 3 weeks without a haircut, which for me is a really really long time. It's been driving me crazy, but finding a...
Read MoreIt's hard to go far in South Korea without seeing uses of geometric patterns in everything from objects to architecture. The prevalence of these patterns is one of the influences we've injected into...
Read More"You guys want to go skiing?" is not the kind of text message I'm used to being woken up with. More surprising to me was seeing texts from two co-workers immediately say "sure." I had...
Read MoreIt's been a bit busy here, as you can probably imagine. I haven't lacked for things to snap pics of or write about, but just for finding the time to post them. We're usually making the most of our hours outside of our work shifts, even if...
Read MoreBefore I flood the blog with posts of Seoul (we took a second trip), I figured I should give a little bit of background on the lay of the land here in Pyeongchang. We work long shifts so its easy to get into...
Read MoreHere are some scenes from our Monday impromptu trip into Seoul. The four of us who had arrived on Sunday made the trip in together. We had no...
Read MoreWe went a little hard-core with our "acclimation day" by jumping on the bullet train into Seoul for a few hours. As much as it sounds like the wrong way to adapt to...
Read MoreAs much as anything, this is a post to let Mom know I made it safe and sound. (Hi Mom!) Yesterday (or maybe the day before? My day and time sensors are a bit confused right now) I jumped on a place for...
Read MoreI took a day off to play hooky on Monday and join my friend Andrew and friends Orville and Edward for a Six Flags day. A Monday in January is...
Read MoreSaturday I joined 5 or 600,000 other like minded souls for this years Women's March in LA. Joining in late and on my own, I mainly ventured...
Read MoreThe anniversary of the first Women's March seemed like a good time to post some pics from last year. As I mentioned before, it was...
Read MoreLast year I made a last minute decision to join the Womens March in Downtown LA. To some degree I was a bit of just an observer since I went with...
Read MoreA while back I mentioned a photography project I was doing for a couple bank offices in different parts of the city. An interior design firm had found a photo of mine and wanted...
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